Here to Help in Sequim, Washington
Carol Cunningham offers “A Moving Experience” for all your personal needs
I have years of experience helping others:
- organize for a move
- pack a small car with a room full of precious cargo
- strategically sort, pack, and store…and get my client to her airplane on time
- coordinate a move from one house to another down the street
- set up a workable kitchen and workspaces – logical fingertip placement
- property management
- find documents and organize myriad details
- answer correspondence
- reorganize current spaces, files
- in depth research
- run necessary errands
- short notice requests
- detail cleaning – most household needs met
- gardening
- writing/proofing/editing/researching
- pet sit
- communicate–phone/text/email
relieve the stress – keep you smiling
* * * most important – be creative in your requests – life has many interesting needs * * *
Fee: $35.00 per hour.
I can also make a gourmet dinner at the end of your busy day!
Need Prayer?
“Come unto Me, all of you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and you shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”
~Matthew 11:28-30
There is no real rest or real peace without the joy deep in our souls
of knowing Jesus, Yeshua, Messiah, our personal Lord and Savior.
Nothing compares to our relationship with Him and His love for us; His care for our lives.
Come unto Him daily, and He will give you rest!
Email a prayer request and I will answer…bless you!